Duration and Renewal of trademark

According to the Ethiopian Trade mark Proclamation, the registration of a trademark shall remain valid for a period of seven years from the date of submission of the application. However, a trademark registration in practice is valid for a period of 6 years.

Renewal of trademark registration

This may be done upon request of the owner, for consecutive periods of seven years. The owner of the trademark shall attach a document showing the payment of renewal fee prescribed by the regulation. At the time of the renewal, no change may be made in the trademark or in the list of goods or services in respect of which the trademark is registered, except that certain goods or services may be eliminated from the list.

Renewal of the registration of a trademark shall be made within three months after the expiry of the registration period, provided however, that after the expiry of the three months, period, the registration may be renewed within the next six months by paying, in addition to the regular renewal fee, a penalty prescribed by the regulations.

A trademark not renewed within the above stated time limit shall be considered to have been waived or cancelled.

If you have any question or comment or need to get a practical legal support in this regard please Contact us.

Any pertinent information about trade mark registration and protection can be available from any Ethiopian Trade mark Lawyer, Ethiopian Copyright Lawyer or Ethiopian Intellectual Property Lawyer.