Under the Ethiopian legal system the court, which has jurisdiction on trademark prosecution, is the federal high court. It shall order prompt and effective provisional measures to

  1. Prevent an infringement of  trade mark right from occurring in particular to prevent the entry into the channels of commerce of import and export goods after completing customs formalities or
  2. Present relevant evidence in regard to an alleged infringement of a right

The court after hearing a case of infringement of a trademark owner’s right is entitled to

  1. Pass an injunction to stop the defendant from continuing the act of infringement and
  2. Order the defendant to compensate the damage inflicted to the claimant due to the infringement.

Criminal sanctions for trademark infringement

Whosoever intentionally violates a right protected under this proclamation shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment of a term of not less than 5 years and not more the layers Moreover, whosoever by negligence violated a right protected under this Proclamation shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment of a term not less than 1 year and not more than 5 years.

If you have any question or comment or need to get a practical legal support in this regard please Contact us.

Any pertinent information about trade mark registration and protection can be available from any Ethiopian Trade mark Lawyer, Ethiopian Copyright Lawyer or Ethiopian Intellectual Property Lawyer.