In Ethiopia, land is public property. However, both rural and urban lands are made available to investors at competitive price on a lease-hold basis.
Leaseholders have the right of use over urban land for periods ranging from 50 to 99 years. Lease right over land can be transferred together with on built facilities. Each Regional Government delivers, based on the Federal Law and its own laws, the required land to an investor within 60 days after receiving an application for allocation of land for an approved investment.
The Ethiopian Investment Commission, in cooperation with the concerned Regional Government entities, facilitates and follows up the allocation of land for approved foreign investments. Investors who intend to invest in export-oriented projects are given priority to acquire land at reduced lease price.
Any pertinent information about investment in Ethiopia, tax in Ethiopia, can be available from an Ethiopian Investment Lawyer, Ethiopian Tax lawyer, Ethiopian, Ethiopian Employment Layer, Ethiopian Labour Relationships Lawyer, Ethiopian Immigration lawyer.
Any pertinent information about investment in Ethiopia, tax in Ethiopia, can be available from an Ethiopian Investment Lawyer, Ethiopian Tax lawyer, Ethiopian, Ethiopian Employment Layer, Ethiopian Labour Relationships Lawyer, Ethiopian Immigration lawyer.
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