Rights Conferred By Registration of Trademark;
- The owner of a registered trademark shall have the right to use or authorize any other person to use the trademark in relation to any goods or services for which it has been registered. The owner has the right to preclude others from the following acts. Any use of a trademark or a sign resembling it in such a way as to be likely to mislead the public for goods or services in respect of which the trademark is registered or for other goods or services in connection with which the use of the mark or sign is likely to mislead the public.
- Any use of a trademark or a sign resembling it, without just cause and in conditions likely to be prejudicial to his interest.
Renunciation of right of a registered trademark
The owner of a registered trademark, who wishes to renounce the registration either wholly or in respect of part of the goods or services, for which the trademark is registered, may submit his application to the Ethiopian Intellectual property office for the cancellation of the Registration of the trademark.
Any interested person may submit a request in writing for the cancellation of the registration of a trademark to the Ethiopian intellectual property office on the ground that the trademark has not been in use. A trademark shall be considered on non use, when it is proved that the trademark has not without legitimate reason, been used in Ethiopia during a continuous period of at least three year preceding the date of the request for the cancellation of the trademark, by the registered owner or a licensee in respect of any of the goods or services for which it was registered.
Invalidation of Registration
The registration of a trademark may be invalidated, by a written request of any interested person or by the initiative of the Ethiopian intellectual property office itself, when it is proved not to have initially fulfilled the conditions of the law
Effects of Invalidation
The decision declaring the invalidation of registration of a trademark shall be effective as of the dated of such registration. The office shall publish the invalidation of the registration in an intellectual property gazette or a newspaper having nationwide circulation.
If you have any question or comment or need to get a practical legal support in this regard please Contact us.
Any pertinent information about trade mark registration and protection can be available from any Ethiopian Trade mark Lawyer, Ethiopian Copyright Lawyer or Ethiopian Intellectual Property Lawyer.