Be Careful Of Defacto Divorces without Legalizing the Divorce in Court

Be Careful Of Defacto Divorces without Legalizing the Divorce in Court In Ethiopia, marriage is a legally binding institution entered into with the free and full consent of the spouses. The Ethiopian Family Code ensures equal rights for both partners during the marriage, including its dissolution. However, the phenomenon of defacto divorces—where couples separate and […]

Basic Categories of Insurances under Ethiopian Law

Under the Ethiopian commercial code, there are three types of insurances. They are insurance against damages, insurance of liability for damages and insurance of persons. Let’s see each type of insurance at a time. 1. Insurance Against Damages Some of the most serious financial risks that a person faces are those arising from possible loss […]

Areas of Investment Provided By the Ethiopian Investment Laws for Domestic and Foreign Investors

Do you want to know about areas of investment permitted for investment according to Ethiopian law? Below you will find these areas of investment divided by sector of investment. A. Areas Of Investment Permitted For Foreign Investment All major areas of investment are open for foreign investors other than the following. In other words except […]